Friday, June 27, 2008

my drink..

WOOOOO EXAMS ARE OVER AND i went to watch 'don't mess with the Zohan' today at tampines mall...biggest waste of money ever on a crappy show... then went to band for the exco interview and didn't get it...aww oh well...not fated for it anyway...gratz to weixing n aaron to getting into exco...then after band we went to tampines mall(again!!!) to eat dinner and stayed there like 2 hours lol... pics aren't very clear tho...
--Merci tout le monde--
10:44 PM
CT's over!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ct's are oVeR!!! well technically no...except for listening comprehension but the past few papers have raped me utterly and completely...probably will not qualify for HATS program based on this exam alone... lol
Subject Status
GP Raped
Econs Slightly raped (hope will pass)
Chinese Completely and utterly raped
Chem (wth...?!?!??!?!?!?!?)
bio O M G
maths ....................................................
Well thats it for this CT's hope i won't fail too badly bad can it be anyway??
Hope my ears are wide open tomorrow so can listen clearly and try to at least make up for the gap in marks left by my previous paper...well thats all....went to jonathan's house today...watched reruns of D gray the best show evar!!! later his parents bought durian and mangosteen!! LOL havent eaten a mangosteen in YEARS...looked so suaku when i dun even know how to open the fruit...just brought C&C generals home wonder why i have a bad feeling i'm not gonna get a chance to play the game?? hmm?? let's see...tmr is band sat is band n parents at home, mon is sch n chi A LEVEL ORAL!!! ARGH ARGHH yao jiang hua yu!! or else will fail!! especially when my chinese like masuok longkang liddat... thats it for now tata!!
--Merci tout le monde--
8:27 PM
before ct's
Sunday, June 22, 2008

somebody call this helpline!!! I need it!!!

my mugging fest

more but (same time as the other)
ARGH!!!!! tomorrow is first paperSS!!! ALREADY!!! and i still haven't even finished the syllabuses for most of my subjects!!!! sure die and summore my dad threaten me what he'll do if i nvr do well/.....hope my econs doesn't fail or my gp too.... or i sure die!!! ARGH !!!mugging fest!!
--Merci tout le monde--
9:22 PM
sister came back
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sigh last few days were pretty much the same ol mugging n mugging... sister was supposed to come back last night at 3 something...only to realise that the flight was delayed by 5 hours...Originally, i planned to go along but i waited and waited and i finally fell asleep!! and when my parents tried to wake me, i couldn't wake up!! oh well..and the first thing in the morning when i saw her, her first sentence was 'why the wireless cannot turn on ah?' lol it wasn't 'hi' or 'hello' or the like... Sigh oh well next week's my CT's, gotta mug for it now tata!!
--Merci tout le monde--
10:39 AM
IQ test
Monday, June 16, 2008 -
Free IQ Test
Lol just did some random test and they asked me to be a part of the International High IQ society lol....dunno if they are even real lol...
--Merci tout le monde--
12:13 PM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
--Merci tout le monde--
8:51 PM
Something i did
--Merci tout le monde--
8:45 PM
computer fair
Just went to the computer fair today...queued behind the small lil kiddies who were playing the X-box for a helluva long time lol...they were almost spoiling the whole game lol and to watch them play was almost torturous....they were even just struggling to shoot n aim properly...yea and in the end i pulled myself from this torture to look for the prices for my micro SD card for my new phone...speaking of which I got a new phone!!a k850i!!! wowzerssss its sooo great!!! so in the end i got a 4 GB micro SD card now i can store all the songs in my comp on my phone lol and more to come!! lolers...too bad i didn't take any pics of the computer fair..(partly because it was too packed neway and there really wasn't much to see there) oh yea and signing off for now...Tata!!
--Merci tout le monde--
8:19 PM
Friday, June 13, 2008

So sad... We couldn't find ne1 to come take for us so timothy had to take for us...

now esther's turn...
Sigh Just came back from an intense mugging session with S16 class...well...a seventh of it anyway...MAinly it was Alexis teaching me rather than him actually wonder he said it was very unproductive for him..haha considering he mugs 12 hours a day yep this session was not productive for him at all...Oh well and he calls 12 hours a day slack...i wonder what is intense for him lol *shudder*...Oh well and i realised how screwed i am in maths and chem and mayb bio?? Definitely chinese... haven even spoke a word of chinese till today lol... Oh well gotta learn his studying style and at least try to follow half of it then i stand a chance for the coming CTs...Oh ya and i say serene and Jun Yang today lol at pp macs quite surprising...and i suppose justine too...but i din recognize her...Paiseh!! Just heard that James is the newest addition to the mugger's club oh well everyone knows we have to mug...just that the smart ones need to mug less...sigh too bad i'm not a part of the latter group... mugger signing off!! :P
--Merci tout le monde--
7:53 PM
pics for Under No Roof 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Guo Family 08

Guo Family!!
--Merci tout le monde--
6:16 PM
boooring day...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
sigh nothing's been going on for the past 2 days....stayed home...mugging...blehzz wish there weren't common tests after the holidays lol hate to mug so much just did like 10 hours today....blehzzzz going to meet up for project work tomorrow...plan to go funan for that IAH games thing dunno la...
--Merci tout le monde--
11:34 PM
Under No Roof
Monday, June 9, 2008
Started out the day normally enough...woke up brushed teeth and bla bla... then got mum to sign indemnity form...was actually considering whether to go for the event at all...(lucky i did) :P and then i set off at 3.30 (heh the event supposed to start at 3pm) and managed to reach at around 4.10 lol... was supposed to go to team 3 and part of the Guo family!! Turned out i was actually the family head...and i was late...damn pai seh lorh!! then we had a family march and my in grown toe nail was stepped on like 100000 times... i was screaming in pain after the event lol... had to change to sandals after it...then we had dinner!! rice baked beans n sardines...not bad lah considering this is a poverty camp shouldn't expect too much right? after that, we had a 'disaster' and i as family head were supposed to find my family members in that randomized list within 15 seconds!! argh!! turned out i could only find 2 members (jin chieh n Jermyn) at the shelter...that was so sad lorh and we had to lug the materials all the way to west coast park where we later slept...(or supposed to anyway) We built out slums out of the cardboard provided. Ya we later had 'bonding' sessions in our slums and played games n told jokes all teh way!! lol jin chieh was giving intellectual games with all that 'this is one n this is two n bla string two string three string...' lol make me think like siao and in the end still never figure out the common pattern....all the other ppl could solve it....makes me feel stupid lol...then we played the 'sam sui women' game. apparently we finally got the E ball and dumped all our bottles into the ground and emerged top for number of bottles but last for timing... lolers...Then we were supposed to go back to our slums n sleep but we played more lame games lol but they were fun!! and when i was telling a joke...i told it halfway then i forgot the ending....sooooooo paisehhh!!! then it was already 12.30 am and we thought let's turn in...then weixing n jermyn went for a walk...then yanting went as well...and i couldn't sleep anyway so i went to look for them...found them eventually and ended up sitting by the sea and talking away into the night...then weixing took out his phone n we were playing music for 2 hours straight!! then me n yanting started singing hahahahahaz me=bad singer anyway then weixing slept halfway lol!! altogether we stayed there for 4 hours!! amazing...nvr stayed up all night before... and then we went to mcdonalds and got 15 minutes of shut eye before we were coerced into going back to camp site...had breakfast-bread n kaya...ended up with spreading for everyone...(hehe din know if my hands were clean or not...well i din get a stomachache neway... :P) then we went back to vivocity liaoxxx slept on bus as well...played some games which were supposed to have some link at all to the victims from the sichuan earthquake (no link anyway...) then we went on to the factory and became the adults while the others were the 'children' and got to play captain's ball -_-'' (should have volunteered to b a child...) then we were forced to make a toy which we were supposed to market later (which i didn't...) had to start on the house... after making like a gazillion bricks...we were given lunch-cheeseburgers from burger king YAY! lifted our spirits at least...then we went on to making more bricks and 3 members of our family were building the skeleton of the house...then suddenly 'celebrities' came and were SUPPOSED to help us build our houses and the celebrity assigned to us was daphne khoo... supposedly yay right? but she seriously looked damn scary in person with all the make up...but wth she just came and helped us for 15 minutes and left (that called helping...??she made like <10 bricks and stood around most of the time...) then we just chionged our house out...apparently the wall which i was working on was the weakest paiseh.... then when the house was finally completed...they told us to sit down and wait for the judges to arrive which was a full half an hour...and eventually it was our turn to get our house judged..he was looking at it and we were soooooooooooooooooo super super afraid that it might collapse on him...then he shook the house...we all covered our eyes....lucky the house nvr collapse sia... then he was like mm mm ok and went on to the next house... then it was a full hour later before the closing ceremony started...and they were like announcing the winners of the the points that we have earned...and then...when they were announcing the winner...i was like thinking what are the odds of us winning...close to 0% and one of my family members, boon pin i think, bet with me that he thinks that our family will not win at all...then when they announced that the Guo family(which was us) was the winner, i was shocked for a full 3 seconds before going up the stage to receive the prize...which was a trip to sichuan to help the relief effort in rebuilding...when we brought it back we were all gaping and in a state of shock...then it dawned on me that must be that guy who sold 100 houses -_-'' lol yeah then after the event we were sad to say goodbye coz our group was one of the closest group evar!! we were even the only one with a cheer hahahaz... there was supposed to b a second cheer but we never did it hehez... then me, jermyn, weixing, yanting n christabel went to vivocity to eat...Carl's Jr apparently...quite good but not likely i'll eat there again...(too expensive!!!) then weixing 'had to go' and jermyn n aaron followed and i did luckily not knowing what they were doing at all... they went to collect the cake...then we spent like ages finding an appropriate place to celebrate yanting's birthday...we had light sticks and all... then when it was finally set up we called christabel to come bring yanting...we sang and chatted and bla bla until christabel started the deadly chain reaction...she pushed weixing's face into the cake...then we were all smashing cakes into each other's faces...and yanting got hit twice!! hahahaz...then after we have all washed up...i took the container of jermyn's lightsticks and was wondering why it was so bright and i was mixing it around...:D and apparently not all of them were lit and when i mixed them around...almost all lit up...jermyn was almost hysterical lol ahahaha and poured a bottle of water on me...hehehez then we all went home on the mrt but yanting had to take the bus awww!!! Ya Yan Ting was quite nice la very cute :P if only i got pics of the event i'll put it on my post...tata damn long winded right??
--Merci tout le monde--
11:55 PM
SMUN (so sad i forgot to blog about this coz i was too tired!!)
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Eating time!!


Sneha me n kristy


Press corps

Diana sneha Kristy n me
Went to sign up...was kinda bored the whole day coz really there were no ice breakers at all and the only people to talk to were friends of friends or tpjc ppl (some of which I'm not even close to anyway) slept like at 12!! so early!! absolutely nthn to do!! Had hopes of article being published the next day...
Went to SC conference...met Kristy...the partner of my TPJC mate which i sadly do not remember the name of...I think it was anisah... ya then got pang sehed by my friend from DISEC for lunch and had to eat least more or less coz i was eating with the other TPJC ppl which i'm not close to... Then decided to cover DISEC again coz my earlier attendance of the SC was sorely uneventful and really nothing much happened...while in DISEC, quite a lot happened but somehow i was not inspired to write... i think partly due to the fact that my article was not published in the UN Torch...Then at the end of the day...we were promised pizzas...then we went then and were 'cheated' when natalie our press corps IC told us she just woke up and had just ordered the pizzas and they were to arrive an hour and 20 minutes more... Then we were at a loss at what to do and finally decided to go Vivocity...were told to change wash up and get ready by 8.30 at the basement...when we got back down again...surprise surprise...the pizzas sat there...Oh well then we ate the pizzas and later played polar bear... Natalie apparently had a bad way of choosing the polar bears (they were seated right next to each other!!) quite obvious right? then afterward we went back to our rooms and wrote our articles presumably... Apparently, i do not even see much of my TJC partner Li Meng... and surprise surprise...he went to Jozette's house that night!! (taking it a lil too fast eh...?) took bath and chatted with weixing until around 12.30 and slept...still a bit not life eh...?
Wow today would be rather interesting...I went for the press corps meeting at 10 and i took pics with my new NJ friends Kristy, Diana n Sneha and then went to IAEA which was kinda boring as they really chionged to get a draft resolution without any debate at all. The French delegate just didn't bother gathering signatories!! he just put every country's name down and passed it forward... a bit gan chiong right?? Then I met Anisah n the NJ ppl Kristy, Sneha n Diana for lunch ahaha quite fun...after that i ponned that last conference to do my article in the computer centre only to be told later that my article my accompanying teacher...Oh well at least i tried..then i was told there and then in the comp centre that my article from the first day was actually supposed to be published!! I almost died there and then... because of a minor slip up........oh welll i gotta make sure that at least one article that i write is published!! Then we got changed and bla bla for social night... Expected pasta and sortz to actually be good...turned out that not only were they NOT good they were actually sucky and almost revolting... Then at the last part they tried playing techno/disco music to get the dancing mood...i dunno why but the atmosphere was just absent....din feel like dancing at all!! then at the end it turned out that they were taking attendance lolers..!!! we then went back to our respective rooms....Then i could not find a laptop to continue writing my article!! so suay lorh the person whom i agreed with to lend me the laptop was not back yet and the friend who has a laptop was supposedly having a conference with his sister (which i think was absolutely unimportant considering he's not exactly studying overseas...) and i was like whatever...and then decided to ask my new NJ friends if they knew how i could get my hands on one!! in the end i used the laptop in the computer centre when natalie opened it specially for me (Wow lol) after i did my article..i passed it to her n started playing a band piece on the laptop which apparently got Natalie interested and we had a 2 hr long conversation about orchestral pieces and then went to see this guy beat boxing and playing the flute on youtube at the same time!!! wowzers he even did it with flight of the bumblebee which is one of the hardest pieces EVER!! oh well...the session ended with the SMUN exco asking natalie if she wanted to share the ice cream with them they had 13 tubs left LOL...then in the end i went back to my room and took a bath n slept...
--Merci tout le monde--
11:47 PM
After concert...
Monday, June 2, 2008
Concert was a blast!! the band really played its best except for a few hardly noticeable mistakes...However, it still was great and the sound they made rocked the entire VCH!! too bad i didn't take a picture while i watched i wished i was there lol hahaz... then i went to raffles place with jermin n jonathan to eat supper. We ate at subway, i think i got cheated by that guy-he kept insisting on me upgrading it to a set and spending an extra 2.60 on 2 cookies and a drink. Oh well the cookies were a blast and the drink? well they had free flow so we just took like 5 servings :P. later, we went home...IT was a great night and i managed to get home before the 12 mn curfew phew!! Oh well..wished chen lin was here then he'll see the 'power' of tpjc winds woOTz!! :P
--Merci tout le monde--
11:08 AM