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Sunday, December 28, 2008
SL PROJECT IS OVER!!! and we had hell while we were doing it, we took the children of Chen Su Lan Methodist Home out at East Coast Park...lol and to think we actually bothered to organize activities for them...lol...they were such demons!!! the youngest, a 6 year old went like 'F*** you la ccb...'....lolzzzz so young already speaking such vulgarities, wonder how they'll turn out lol.....while another one was just the devil....he ran up to me and punched me for NO REASON AT ALL....(although it wasn't that painful but thats besides the point) lol!!! where is the love man!! At first, we got all enthusiastic and all organizing them into groups and getting the stations ready with all the clues...then they were just way too uncontrollable and the demons that they are, they could not be controlled and we decided to downsize the event into station games. When even that flopped, we just let them do what they wanted since thats what they want to do only lol....we eventually managed to improvise and managed to get a small group 0f them to play soft ball and another group to play dodge ball...lol....hoping they had fun...while another group just didn't want to play any game but just to play with the sand or laze around....after the games were over....they all crowded around the exercise corner's weight lifting segment and making us their servants carrying them up n down and everywhere....honestly, I never knew that place could be so fun to hang around lol....in the end...the teacher saw that nothing much was being done and decided to bring them back to the orphanage....and thats it...the end of our SL project which was almost a total flop................lol then on to today!!

I went shopping with my mum at Takashimaya today!! lol...haha it started out with her going into mango and saying' I only need a moment' lol and that 'moment' took like 45 minutes lol....well at least for the rest of the time...we spent it shopping for my stuff....lol...since it was the last day of the sale...it was very hard to find the correct sizes as mostly were out of stock...when I went into GUESS, I finally found a pants which was the appropriate size and I was told that it was a hundred bucks...-_-''..lol.....we shopped for like super long and before long 4 hours has passed and it was night and we haven't bought dinner for the family lol.....oh ya being the mountain tortoise that I am, I finally saw orchard lightings lol....haha umm which were quite beautiful really...better than the lightings at tsim sha tsui lol....it was really so colourful and so shiny lol....makes tsim sha tsui look deprived lol...but tsim sha tsui had this really unique thing which was that they had an animation of lights moving like a story telling thing on the walls of the shopping centres lol...that IS unique!!!oh well...making me feel regretful that I didn't buy enough clothing from Hong Kong lol.....sighzzz enough for today tata!
--Merci tout le monde--
11:49 PM

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Usually when it's a holiday, people expect it to be jolly and all and especially christmas. Not only was mine not jolly, it was pretty screwed up...courtesy of my father...(probably the worst that you can have) Out of nowhere, he scolds me for not cooperating when my sister has only just told me her problem which I agreed to help immediately...then after that...I kinda forgot the password and i was trying vigorously to find the password, and during which, he was saying all imaginable condemnations of me....'sampat jc have sampat people' or 'where you get this attitude from, if this is going to be the way u grow up i rather not have a son like you' lol what attitude (the conversation was 1 way by the way so it was kind of a monologue). Then he was making threats that I can dream of playing the computer again if I do not find the password. After a long while, I finally got the password, and he just went on and on and said that I can dream of playing the computer again....WTF....same outcome....why did i bother to remember the password in the first place???seriously when he says he is the greatest father on earth, he is in fact telling the world's greatest lie. Merry Christmas to one and all and cheers for my screwed up christmas...
--Merci tout le monde--
2:09 PM

Before concert
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Getting the audi prepped for concert

Dr Zachariah Goh, one of the speakers of the band festival

Timothy with his glasses all fogged up while eating prawns lolz

the soup!!


Hehez its the last day before the concert!!! so excited!!!been practising VERY VERY hard for this concert like 9am to 10 pm!!! lolz I'm dead beat from all that practise!!! and anyway before I say anything else I wanna say this:
Happy Birthday!!! Cliffton!!!

Ok lolz anyway we went to celbrate it on Monday...we were originally suppsed to meet at 4.30 at city hall but lol I had band and only left school at around 5.30 lolz...and MARCUS SIM which was the organizer said he was going to take a 'NAP' at around 2 pm......then when I got there it was already around 6.30 pm and marcus was still not there and then we gave him like a gazillion calls and he still didn't pick up....could be due to the all night wow spree lolz...then in the end we gave up waiting and we went to eat steamboat at bugis instead....then lolz marcus called at....10PM !!! OMG!!! who takes a damned 8 hour NAP?????!!!!! anyway we had a ball of a time there at the steamboat haha....then when we going home that time....I wanted to take a pic lol then the first picture that we took cut half of timo's head out of the picture and the second one we took was blurry until we finally took one last one which was quite okay but then the surrounding pplz were starting to stare lolz...

--Merci tout le monde--
11:53 PM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

lol me shall blog about saturday tho its like long gone....hahas...I went to watch bolt with someone :)..haha...really enjoyed the show...haha...found it quite touching at the end wherein bolt sees penny in the fire...lol...I really teared at that moment...lols...anyway...later on we couldn't decide on where to eat lolZZ hahazz in the end decided on yoshinoya (i wonder if thats how it's spelt) and got that christmas special which i honestly think was not that special....the vege were tasteless like completely and the deep fried mushroom had this icky feel about it...

The 'mushroom'

The 'christmas special'
hmm lolz then onto today!! I went to my class FIRST AND (maybe only) gathering at jonk's house today...lolzzz...it was quite funy...when we first arrived there...I was stunned at the size of the barbeque pit lolz...its like the size of my monitor....lolzzz....
and me and jonk took turns at fanning the flames...lolz...thanks goodness for sandra lolzz otherwise if we left it up till jonk to start the fire, we wouldn't be eating food at all lol....then after a while jonk wanted to take over cooking but apparently 'mysteriously disappeared' after five minutes of tending the food lolz...then jonk introed the game 'ask the question' which apparently was supposed to be FUN which turned out it wasn't at all until we were giving strong hints by asking questions such as 'shall we change the game?' lolzzzthen we went in to play taboo (and supposedly cranium) which jonk forgot how to play so we just forgot about it in the end lol...anyway today i took a look at the pantomime euphonium solo score and phew!! man thank god i'm not playing it lolz...

playing 'cranium'

Sandra the 'lone cook'

Sandra again lol
.anyway today i took a look at the pantomime euphonium solo score and phew!! man thank god i'm not playing it lolz...seme demi quavers??!!?!?! lol WTF!!! and so many of them running up and down and not only that, they are so high summore lolz...

explains itself lolz

OK enough ranting for today lolz brb another day!! tata~
--Merci tout le monde--
12:47 AM

after band
Friday, December 5, 2008
hahaha after a long and tiring week with many band pracs...the week has finally come to a closure!! or at least near to it...lols...monday...band...tuesday...rotted at home...wednesday....band whole day...thursday...rotted at home...friday...band....lols that pretty much sums up my week...and lol next week its gonna b band band band band band and MORE band lolz....not that i'm tired of it but lol i dun really have any time for anything else now lol...sigh...making me wish there were more than 7 days in a week or more than 24 hours in a day....to do other stuff...and wx went japan!!! ahhhx....i'm so envious......always wanted to go to japan and then I hear another of my friend, weijie is going japan too lol....oh ya met 2 eupho players chan lun n his senior benjamin (I think...) lol they are like super pro...one was playing in treble cleft and the other was playing the alto sax score which was in front of us....lolers....super pro....and chan lun's gonna b my eupho tutor hahaz...certainly better than having the other one lolz....ah thats it for now..tata
--Merci tout le monde--
11:36 PM

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
OK ummmm this has been a weird and weird few days......first of all, my SL finally turned up for band lolz....hahaha...she ponned for like 2 months already...then over the weekend, I rotted at home on Saturday and really did nothing much...on Sunday I went to Sitex...and got me a spanking new monitor!!! 22 inch LCD full HD wooTTZZ lolzzz...oh yea and today was the greatest damn shock of my life when I saw the electricity bill for the past month...1000 bucks???? omg what is wrong with these people!!!lolz neways i just watched the forbidden kingdom lolz...quite nice but can tell they were on a budget...they made jet li play 3 roles and jackie chan 2?? lol....great way to recycle stars lol....tata...looking forward to saturday!!!
--Merci tout le monde--
10:39 PM

Tristan Lee
note de prise!
Passionate musician
Unwilling mugger
Hates hypocrites
Wants to learn the flute
loves music in almost all forms
les gens
Jia Min
Xiao Wei
Wei Jie
Wei Xing

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