Saturday, January 31, 2009
Hmmzzz...This post would be one of many lol....I shall start from the beginning of the week...
- We started with Chinese New Year...had reunion dinner...stayed home on first day of CNY coz of tradition...and 2nd day we went visiting..lolsss...altogether collected only mayb whad less than 200 bucks ang pow?? usual..
- Didn't get into ogl first, I was pretty pissed off at myself not getting in, but when I looked at the list, I noticed one particular pattern that EVERYONE in the Heron Family Head's class (or shall I say ex-class) got in. and if it were just like 2-3 people, it wouldn't have made a large difference but it was 6 people. 6 out of 21 people...All Ogl's...not facilitator/ the hell did that happen?? Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that he is as f***ed up as an arsehole who is freaking biased...soo...not wanting to sink myself to his level, I can live with not being an ogl. After all, his judgement is f***ed up unlike the assistant family head....who would probably have made a better judge as none of his classmates were in the ogl camp...anyway...not only that...the family head came and sent all of the ogl reserves a hate mail:
Im not one to start without a friendly hi or whatever but im not in the mood to do so right now.
One of you guys have complained to my Ex Co that i was being bias in the selection of the OGLS, im not gonna explain myself here cause for those that believe me wont need it and those who need it wont believe me so im giving you the chance to tell me everything that i did wrong and caused you to suspect i was bias.
Be it yelling , discussing or a simple discussion whoever it is , meet me after school on wednesday at 1pm outside the council room , there will be Sean Foo our AFH , Safiyah and Bernard two inpartial Ex Cos to overlook the meeting.
I always believe in being a nice guy , but some people just dont deserve it , most agitated that you went behind my back to say something about me.
Lets leave you all with this , if i didnt choose you and that makes me bias , does choosing you make me not bias?
If no one appears outside the council room after 1.30 pm on Wednesday i take this matter to be settled .
Ok now where did that come from? obviously he has a guilty conscience...
OK now enough whining, today I woke up at 12 lolers....didn't think i'll sleep that long...went to my dad's friend's fish farm...had great gourmet there okaay...there was like a gathering of singapore's top chefs there as well as some of the managers of famous restaurants there...Then the chefs took turns at the kitchen heh...making me a happy to eat all sorts of 山珍海味 lol and today I drank my first can of beer!! a Carlsberg!!! got semi-drunk for like a few hours... then later on we went to Ong kian ming's I say like he my friend liddat lol...anyway...his daughters were quite good at entertaining lols...they were actually able to hold a conversation with my dad...I completely emphathize with them lol...thats it tata~
--Merci tout le monde--
10:16 PM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
sad sad didn't get into ogls...making me feel bitter about everything especially with so much stress on my shoulders currently...I'm even facing the fact that I might be kicked out of the HAT's Program due to not doing well in my topical test, so i gotta do well for my mid years....sigh...they put it in such a 'nice' I'm so flattered...right now I feeling like '....' I can't think of something to describe what I feel now, just that take pissed off/disappointed/angry/envious x10^100000000 ....makes me feel like I shouldn't have signed up to start with mayb I wouldn't have to face such disappointment then? It is kind of unfair though...I was the only one from my class there...while the others were from the same class...can't help it if they knew each other more...they were after all classmates for a year already...sighzzz ';.;' describes my mood now...
--Merci tout le monde--
11:09 PM
24th JAn
Saturday, January 24, 2009
OK LOLS this is it!! the one year anniversary since my fate was revealed....just one year ago, I got my 'O' Level results back....24th Jan...not symbolic to most but certainly for wonder...last night I had this dream of the events that transpired one year ago, on that fateful day...a day of regrets and despair....a day of envy and self pity...a day that was past. I think that the dream was my subconscious self telling myself what would happen if I had repeated the exact same attitude as I had when I took my 'O's...I was proud, I was complacent. Scoring the top in class certainly got to my head. I am now going to pledge myself to the books as of today....history is but a lesson for the prevention of the mistakes of the future...I WILL PERSEVERE!!!
--Merci tout le monde--
1:18 PM
before cny
Friday, January 23, 2009

hmmmzzorz its been what 1 week+ since I last posted?? lol...the week has dragged on and finished finally!!!! omg it started with a super slack monday and then a less slack tuesday and a super super slack wednesday (I finished at 11.30 am lol) and then thursday and friday was just a drag...OH yea I met all my tutors liaoz...rushed out most of my homework...maths, bio n chem...hmm the year seems promising...Oh yea the pic up there is a pic of the hamsters in the bio lab I'm using lol...they are sooooo cute!!! has been really tiring...more so due to the frustration of not being able to catch on the rhythm of Overture No 2...I can play the notes no problem but I always lag at like mayb 1/4 a beat or faster by 1/4 a beat or 1/2 lols...this sucks...and then my conductor asked us to memorise the scores by band camp on 27 & 28th Feb...lols....which is like freaking crazy for me....if I could even play finish from start to end at correct tempo and rhythm, I damn happy liao...I can't wait to get my hands on the carmen fantasy score...I wanna learn the piano version!!! mayb chen n I can play a duet when I'm done learning it..hahaha...sighz...I also just got back my gp essay which I just passed with an E lolers...pretty much expected it...wasn't used to writing essays for such a long time lol...then I also got back maths topical a U hahahaha...big drop lol...I bet Lim Jin hasn't looked at my last year score...if she did she would probably lecture me like hell lol....hmmz and to summarize my week in one word, it would be: sad
As I've been doing the past few posts, my emo ranting is usually at the end of every goes...Me thinks I've finally moved on from the 'relationship that never was' both because we'll be happier and so that I can concentrate on my 'A's looming at the end of this year...It has been proven time and again and again that it is a fact that a relationship on the same year as the 'A's would equals doing badly at both...:( all those out there dating and taking 'A's....good luck!! lols~!!!
--Merci tout le monde--
3:39 PM
after ogl camp
Sunday, January 18, 2009

LOL believe or not this is my 101st post!!! woootZZZ!!
Haha I've been through one helluva week, was topical tests all the way until friday and sad to say...I flunked all of em...gotta work harder....Anyway I just came back from ogl camp!!! Gotta admit this was one of the best bunch of people I have evar met!!

well technically a quarter of them were from my class and I knew them for a year already...but thats besides the point...anyway we did all sorts of funny stuff, cheered together, bonded together...hmm..yep...I think that our assistant family head is the nicest guy on earth lol!!! Like seriously..!! but on the second day... the rumours were that 5 will be cut from each family....awww thats like 20%!!! when I went in they were like 'unless you are super un-enthu or super loner, they at most kick out one or two only...' now, I'm hearing like 5 from each family are gonna get kicked out....thats so sad...and I think I might be one of them...Oh well...cruel as it may sound...I hope more from other houses get 'tao tai' lol...sighz I could go on like this for another few more days but my aching bones fail me lolz...I'm even having trouble with walking lol...thats what u got for dancing and running non stop for the whole day....oh yea there are 3 dances this year and they are like super de duper complicated!!! lol...seeing eugin dance...that really made my day lol...HAHAHAHA~!!! (sad I didn't have my phone with me..:( )
On the side note...sigh...I shall not mention names but people who act like a dog to get a girl...I am very sure that their relationship would not last...seriously...
and tata~!!
--Merci tout le monde--
2:06 PM
First day of school
Monday, January 12, 2009
Today's the first day of school, had 2 tests already ~sianZZ~ Gp n Econs...Smoked my way thru both papers lolzzz....anyway today is also the release of the 'O' level results...wonder how my school did??did it remain at band 9 or go up by one band?? lol?? haha....and today I had one of the most shocking discoveries....Jonk actually doesn't know what is 'The Little Nyonya'!!! omg lol!!he really hasn't been watching tv lol...dunno what he has been doing @ home lolzz...
--Merci tout le monde--
6:26 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Paym forum
the discussion @ my table

The singapore Arts Museum
Hihi lol today I pretty much wasted my afternoon!!! omg to think I was actually looking forward to the forum thing on 'New Media:A Bane or a Boon' by paym lols....I pretty much went there for some GP pointers and then I got myself into a political, I dun even plan to go into politics....then halfway, my spectacle frame just broke!! lols Anyways I finally set foot into the Singapore Arts Museum formally known as St Jospeh's Institution...On my thoughts on the discussion in actual, I feel that government should actually set the proper environment in the means of implementing policies which I think they already are doing so yeah. All that stuff about education and family upbringing on the safety of the people with the new media, would only come about with the availability of proper environments, with the proper 'walls' in place. Lol, haha never thought I would have such political views lol...anyway...during the discussion, I was like freaking quiet that the person next to me had to egg me on to say something or contribute and all but sigh, I wasted all his effort...

Me wearing what I can never wear lol (the shades cost like $600++)

Hehe my dad

My army look lols
Anyway after which, I got home and went to buy a new frame as my specs, lol....nthn much to talk about really other than the fact that school starts in 2 DAYS TIME!!!! OMG OMG I'm so gonna fail the tests on the first week...haha...hope I'm not kicked out of HATS for that lolers...strategy guys!! at the end of the year can get good progress award lol!! hahaha...tata~!!
--Merci tout le monde--
12:43 AM
Friday, January 9, 2009
WootsZZZ I HaVe finally learnt two songs on the piano today!!! 'River Flows in You' by Yiruma AND 'Marriage D'Amor' by dunno who lol!! wasn't easy okayy....for me at least...anyways today I watched IP MAN!!! WOW!!!

OMG OMG SUPER SUPER SUPER ACTION PACKED!!! but lacking severely in storyline lols....action wise: 10/10, storyline wise: 5.5/10? lol ...
Later went out for dinner with me 'PAE class' which I originally thought was a class gathering until I saw the numbers...3. Lols only Yong Chian, Timo n me were able to make it to the we were like 'Sian~!!' so we went to eat pastamania since astons had a freaking long long long queue....we would probably take an hour or so to actually start eating lols...then after eating went to play LAN lol...

we played Left 4 was really crazy sia....when I was playing a hunter...once u pounced, it was a crazy bloodlust that u keep right-clicking to kill the player wonder it is rated for violence lols....its like shoot every moving thing when you're playing on the side of the survivors and its like lurking and sneaking on the side of the zombies....lols....well...not a really momorable outing sighs~...
On the side note, I wonder how am I going to resolve this relationship issue...much as I have been telling myself that getting into one would be disastrous for studies, it has been at the back of my head constantly...bugging me...I've seen the signs and there have been signs that it wasn't meant to be, as well as a three-in-a-row reminder from god that it was not wise to get into this kind of relationship with a non-christian?? Oh wells..I hope to resolve the issue soon...and once again...damn all jealous boyfriends!!!
--Merci tout le monde--
10:27 PM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lol i'm always a lil lag when it comes to posts...anyway I just came back from a chalet yesterday...and once class activity is so dead that we have not had one yet....marcus had a lobang and managed to secure it at a price similar to downtown east lol....but the facilities were those of a hotel lolss!!! fully air conditioned...1 queen sized bed, 2 normal sized beds n 2 mattresses omg...the place is DA BOMB hahahaz....I finally got to have a real outing with chen lols....and I learnt how to do table swimming!! lol!! haha on the first day, it was really quite empty lol but we had fun...then we had table swimming until late at night lol at around 2 am lols....on the second day i arrived at 11 am and was basically bored to death for around 2 the end we started playing mahjong for an hour or so until we felt hungry and went BK for lunch...haha i haven't really had BK for a long long long time lols....had a scrumptious BBQ Turkey Bacon Burger wootz...hmm lol and then when we came back there were new visitors!! more of timo's classmates...theresa, alexis n natasha i think...and not long after geraldine came...not meaning it in any way lol i think her eyes are just really captivating....they have that sparkle that is uncommon among people lolz...haha...anyway after that we had dinner at the food court and then

me n chen went to the arcade to play silent hill and we FINISHED IT!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!! lol imagine that!! and then we went to play the drumming game thingy and I really sucked at it lols....getting D or E....after that we went back and watch American Pie 4 : band camp....lolzzz...chen lin was commenting on all the intoneation of all the music lols....haha....overall the show was damn funny lols except for certain scenes where it was getting a little obscene lol...hmmm and

then later we played mahjong until quite late lol....then i realised i had no transport back lol....haha...then chen had to call his dad again to fetch me.....
Oh wells I dunno but maybe I'm feel more at home with the Saints culture but then I didn't really feel outcasted with them although I barely knew them for a day while I still feel like a stranger to my class although I've known them for a year...lols anyway tata~
--Merci tout le monde--
9:30 PM
New year is here
Monday, January 5, 2009
Oh lol this may come a little late but yea this is my new year's post lol...
first of all, I remember the highlights of my year of 2008 in chronological order:

I got to know the great people of 08s16 of SAJC in the PAE and which, much as my father protests, would remain one of the best group of people I have ever known in my life. 
Then in June I went for a 5 day 4 night event as a press corp at NUS known as the SMUN (Singapore Model United Nations) There, I got to know many great people both from my school and other schools. (mostly from the press corps lol) forged few but treasured friendships there in SMUN, got to know some great people like Kristy, DIana, Sneha David as well as one other from VJ which i forgot the name lol..
Immediately after SMUN, the next day in fact, I went for this event Under No Roof 2008 organized by Habitat for Humanity and co-organized by VJC...There I got to meet a number of people from various schools...being a part of Guo family has really been a great memory, especially when we stayed up the whole night sitting at West Coast Park lol only to be dead beat the very next day...I got to know some very interesting games which are indigeneous to VJC lol...there I also got to know more people from my school- After which, would be my CT's!!! Which I flunked oh so badly lol...45 rank dad almost killed me if he actually saw my percentile...till this date he has not seen my report card for my mid year lol...but I mentioned this here because this event has been an inspiration, no no more of a wake up call to do better.
Hhaha that would be our school road run aka cross country lol...there we finally took our first and hopefully not last class photo..After which, the boys Weixing Jon, Eugin and me went to fish n co to fulfil our long awaited date to eat at fish and Co...lols
Then, I joined this study grp inadvertly to study for the promos...most of the time it was basically Christabel, Yt and me. The days of chionging at the NLb as well as Changi Airport would be memorable lols...tho I still think I was too slack lols...
OH ya and immediately after the June Hols, Jon invited me to join the tpjc prayer group where I am a resident member till this day, sad that I could not say muc
h as there is really too much to say about this aspect of my life. On top of that, I joined this Cell group in the Church of the Resurrection which is the church of my old school...Sigh sadly have not been able to go for it due to many events...Oh well I hope to make it up this year...- I also went for the SAJC open house and saw the various booths that they have put up which were really good lol as compared to my school's open house...anyway I saw my ol' Chen conducting the SAJC band lol as always haha...anyways they photographed me as the only one watching lol...quite bad for them lols...
Then finally the Sept Hols which I spent mugging mugging for promos....has some memories as well...I met up with my friend from SMUN Kristy at Bishan well as got to meet up with Donovan which has been my close friend since Sec2 where we met under the most awkward of circumstances lols...- Then, my promos...haha lols huge improvement since my Ct's haha from almost last in class to 2nd woot lol hahahas even made it into HATS...lols
- Next would be the PW OP!!! ARGH!!! spent sooo much time on this preparing, rehearsing, making slides, swallowing my throat before the actual OP and pretty much screwed it up....
then HK trip!! AAHHH lol there so much to talk about that I would take forever if i were to talk it all here...I got to know that the school Chong Boon exists for starters lol then I met the Eupho section to know 3 great people: Cheris, Yuen Yee as well as Yin Yi (two of them have the initials yy lol) anyways went to Disney Land to perform!!! LOLS HAHAHA and got free entry as a result...- The last would be TPJC band fest..Oh ya did I mention another thing was that I joined band?!?! my friend Chen almost popped his eyeballs when I told him that lols... Anyway, the preparation period for the band fest was relly hectic went to sch at 9 and reach hoome at 10pm!! lol!! 13-14 hours practice every day!!! lol and they said it was going to be worse for SYF this year LOL haha i'm so screwed...
Ah thats it for 2008!!! and now here are my New Year resolutions
- GET at least 85 rank points for my 'A' levels!! (hopefully my PW grade isn't too bad..)
- settle all relationship problems (screw all jealous boyfriends!!)
- Last but not least enter the course of my dreams in NUS....
Ok thats it folks tata~!!
--Merci tout le monde--
11:37 AM