sa results
Monday, March 30, 2009
HAHAHA lolz kinda expected...CHEMISTRY STAR!!! HERE I COME!!!! cya'll there!!
--Merci tout le monde--
5:41 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009

first cup of vodka...

this cute dog...



playing taboo

the funny seats of the bus i sat today...
These past few days have been really down for me...about the happier parts first...
went for band bbq on saturday!!! had my cup of vodka to drown sorrows...and solved the 1/6 of the rubik's cube... and met up with bhuvan...hmmm....thats it for the happy moments...
Lol i didn't expect it to have such reppercussions.. oh well knowing what family members i have...I should have known...father's a's a bitch...mother's a volcano...that pretty sums it father actually wants people to say'yes i agree' when he is saying the worst of the person and goes on about me being the weakest link in the family...sigh...why did I get born in the first place...into this world of uncaring family members?? Sometimes I wish a car would just run me down sometime someplace...ending it all
--Merci tout le monde--
4:04 PM
after SA
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
AHH FINALLY THE SEMESTRAL ASSESSMENT IS OVER!!!! how long have we waited for this day...were the hours sacrificed for this exam worth it?? I still got a extreme doubt in my gut as to how I'm going to do for this exam...summing it up
GP the most okay paper so far...
Econs Confirm enter Gems already....
MAths Confirm enter STAR...
Chemistry dunno mayb fail mayb passs lol...
Biology GEms liao gems liao....:(
After these mad three days..I look back at the March holidays and wonder if my studying throughout the holidays were worth it...considering how badly I know I'm going to do for this exam...definitely not worse than my topical tests but definitely worse than promos last if i had not studied in the holidays I might even have got worse than my topical test lol...I shall take this as inspiration and continue *chug Chug!!* like a locomotive...hopefully...and really thank god that some bastard was not seated at the prom table....otherwise I might really consider not going at all...oh well....if there was one kind of people in this world that I denounce...are the fakers...the people who pretend to be something which they are not...making it truly disgusting in actuality....Oh well...this friday got band till 9pm... to die by the end of practice lol...and to whoever is going to Gems/STAR...cya there!! :) lol...
--Merci tout le monde--
3:27 PM
random pic post
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Hihi went studying yesterday again at the are the pics lol nthn much to say time lol gotta start last minute shall tell my story... :P




the 'feast' that we had while studying lol

cam whoring!!!
--Merci tout le monde--
2:15 PM
Friday, March 20, 2009
this has been a really stressfu; week...this was not how I envisioned JC2 would be like!!! holidays would be spent studying...sacrificing everything else for the academics!!! argh!!! Much as I would like to slack I know I can't because I know that I have not done enough for this exam so far and I know that I have not done myself justice by not studying....and much as I would love the stamina to study till 2 am in the morning...I can't for the very fact that I'm still that a good thing or not...I noticed many new white hairs sprouting from my head already...from not finishing my syllabus...just for biology alone I fear that I have barely scratched the surface...argh!!!! I think I'm going crazy already...with number of things that I think nowadays....such that I actually think that the song 'regret' from D gray man is something that suits my mood seems pretty sad...Even my tastes in music is changing from something to nothing...I just find everything irritable nowadays...Times like these that we hope for some salvation of some sort which might come to take away all these troubles...ok...! enough about emoing...
on thursday, I met timo at the library studying with his friend Tammy..(did I spell it correctly...?) lol I didn't expect to meet him apparently he only got biology paper left...lolers...and once again lazy to upload pics (not that I have many anyway) ahhh!! Hope for some fun escapede soon from this horrible reality that is this world...
--Merci tout le monde--
11:02 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009

MY BFF !!!:)

me SA freennds :)

cooking in the hot sun becoz of fire drill...

the lameness of a fire drill

My SpAnKiNG NeW DrUmSeT (without a high hat....:()


the thing we had to eat when playing zhong ji mi ma

we're into the coffee can designing lol

sending off the CHINA SM2 students back to PRC

a weird letter posted on many lockers lolzzz

my breakfast to set off to study!!!!

Lol crazy ppl swinging so high lol..

hey lolers it has been a hectic week!!! i shall let my overdue pictures tell my story :P
--Merci tout le monde--
7:47 PM
finally able to blog
Thursday, March 12, 2009
OMG on such a long while I'm finally able to blog freely without restrictions except myself...highlights this week...sectionals on tuesday, band on wednesday and bio SPA today lol and along with lots of stuff last week and last last week which i didn't have time to elaborate...
firstly, I had sectionals on tuesday, jon n weixing went into the band room to supposedly jam lol but i'm sooo noob at piano that I probably couldnt just anyhow play jazzz and 'flow' with the beat lol...then following that after they left I took a hit at the drum set and made a fool of myself lol playing all sorts of nonsense beats hahhaa...lucky i was all alone lolz....then karen came...asked her to do her own warm up while I slack lolz....I'm a bad example lolers...then we played overture number 2 a few times until we practically memoried the piece and able to play without the score hahaha...only no dynamics only lolzzz....then ikhsan came in and joined us hahaha....then I tried my meagre attempt at multiphonics which was surprisingly successful ahahaha....played overture few times and bla bla and attempted to play macchu without score and failed miserably...after a while we got kinda tired and actually went home lolz....
secondly, on had brass combined sectionals which were really 'Trombone+Trumpet+French Horn+Parkachan" sectionals...eupho could really just go and sleep...literally...could calculate the probability of playing notes in one hour...(using poissoncdf(3,0,10) ) and that basically sums up our sectionals...playing less than 1/4 the wtf....would've been more productive if we had went outside to practise...anyway...for full band later we were fully enregized as we practically didn't play much during combined sectionals due to lack of need lol...therefore eupho quite strong in full band...hahaha
thirdly, BIO SPA!!! I spent the last two nights studying for it forsaking sleep and all and struggling to keep my thousand kilo eyelids from falling only to study it...eventually...I least for the exam, i managed to remember everything I studied...(I hope...) and wrote it all on my scripts....
now for random stuff...last week I got back my freaking surprising...I scored the highest so far when I didn't even expect to do the randomness of my GP....lolers....Last Sunday, I went for SAJC's concert hahaha...they played mostly jazz pieces...which I really cannot appreciate random stuff...then they played their SYF piece El Camino by Alfred Reed...hahaha...I was stunned by their 'dng-taahh' their first two notes as it was super strong lol...but later on in the piece there were like super many squeaks and zao sia by the brasses...lolers...the gold sound is there but just so many weird mistakes lol...oh wells...and last saturday...I apparently went for a study session with sum1...quite fruitful I would say...managed to do integration...and I love the feeling of getting to know it again muahahahaha....'I feel good tadanananana SO GOOD DADA SO GOOD DA DA TA SO GOOOOOD' lolers... hahahaha...
--Merci tout le monde--
7:59 PM
continuing post
Monday, March 9, 2009
Ok continuing from previous post...hmmzz
On Tuestday was the Chen Lin's birthday, my fellow one day planner!!! hahaha...lolers...wanted to get a baton for him lolers....and I got back my MTL grade on friday...and dad came back gtg again...:(
--Merci tout le monde--
7:00 PM
'A' Level results
Friday, March 6, 2009
Hmm lolz...starting from the start of this week, it was Chen Lin's Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Chen Lin!!
Ok and now my dad making noise so can't blog now tata!!
--Merci tout le monde--
10:07 PM
after band camp
Monday, March 2, 2009
This is going to be a pictureless post camp finished like 2 days ago so this is kinda lag but pictures from band camp as it was really a little bit of a disappointment lol...sure enough bonding and all but it was all kinda ruined by the occasional bouts of screaming for discipline which is really uncalled sum up my mood in band camp: ZZZzzzzzzz
after that went home and just surfed a while and lol got back my habit of finding scores online and i literally slept at 9pm!!! omg shows how tired I was....
next day went to nlb....ZZZZZZ tried to study organic camp only to result in a massive 'shi bai'....slept lots and couldn't abosrb much...well one thing I can say is that I finished organization and control of eukaryotic and prokaryotic genome while mugging to do the assignment only to realise that the assignment was on the last part of the well I need it for my exam anyway...Then I had an amazing revelation that I wanted to buy my friend his 18th birthday gift but I couldn't decide on it...eventually I decided on a stick hahaha...he'll find out..:)
today...was just ZZZZZzzz for PE I ran Jason Bourne style and finished 2nd in class cool is that...Oh yea and in morning assembly I just had the stupidest conversation with my teacher...sighzzz...anyway for chem SPa skill A, I pretty much screwed it up as I didn't finish in time...comon there were 5 reagents!!! usually there's 4!!!didn't manage to mention safety and reliability....
--Merci tout le monde--
11:37 PM