Monday, May 25, 2009
Much as I would be celebrating in jubilation and such, I feel this leaden dread upon my shoulders, being 18:
1) now I'm liable for any crimes..
2)I'm going for NS at the end of the year
3)its the last time that I'm studying in a centralised institute
4)It marks the first of my journey in life
5) I get to see who my true friends are
Sad as I am to see the true colours of some of my classmates, I can at least be assured of who my true friends are, hoping these bonds would indeed last through JC and would be able to withstand the tests of time. Life hasn't exactly been peachy at home, treading very thinly on ice and actually considering my diplomatic actions...kinda like risk..only REAL...sighx..kinda sad that my bf actually forgot completely...makes me wonder..
~momentos of a disenfrenchised soul..~
--Merci tout le monde--
10:40 PM
Birthday post

Eugin's hairdo woootz..


mugging for chem spa (MY LAST EVARRR)

guess who this is??

some random moth I took
YOOO me first PoSt as an 18 YEAR OLD!!! I'M LEGAL!! lol that sounds so wrong...anyway...whats new in the world today...? nthn much...oh a new favourite singer...TAYLOR SWIFT!!! altho me a bit slow lol hahahaha...hoping this year would bring new changes and new beginnings!!
--Merci tout le monde--
12:23 AM
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Presentation night bands are now out!! SAJ, AJ, Xinmin, Tkgs n this year's judges were totally screwed up...oh well whatever...and from one post in band fusion, it IS more than just a IS a commendation of effort and when someone who got lower than they deserve, lots of outcrys, but when they get higher than they deserve, they are patting themselves on their back and congratulating each other...especially a school which exclusively cheats to attain awards, all ways and means available even to unscrupulous measures...ahh wth...
feeling really 'in-between' nowadays, really dunno whether to feel good or not...getting a U for my tests certainly ain't smth to celebrate about...if I took my SA2's now, my grades'll probably be like this: ESUUUU...
assuming I won't fail GP of course...
sigh ....watched 7 pounds yesterday...wasn't the best show throughout but it got better...only at the last part...really...i literally slept...aiming to watch slumdog soon :P haha...
Oh yea last but not least..I brought my instru home haha....been practising a little :) at last can practise what I like :P tata~
--Merci tout le monde--
10:24 PM
Friday, May 22, 2009
SIGH!!! finally...its over..
--Merci tout le monde--
12:02 AM
Friday, May 15, 2009
All I Want For Christmas Is You - Olivia Olson
--Merci tout le monde--
6:17 PM
argh....the bum of it all...really getting weary from life the chase, the hunger, the strive...just for some certificate at the end of the year, but will it be worth it in the end? I think it will..thats probably the only reason that drives my study-weary brain forward...the competition..the dreadful individuals..the haters..seriously...when will people all reach an enlightenment that all these hate and distaste would all be for naught? argh...
just had my handphone back after like 1 and a half weeks at the shop...which they basically restarted my phone's software the first time round...and only when the phone conked the second time round IN THE SHOP did they replace some my well used baby-the camera hehe :P the whole phone's threatening to fall apart anytime soon though..plan is expired..loooking for a goood deal to get a new phone...hehe i hope :) SO....on the off hand...thank god for the respite from some particular flamer which I know who it is now :P (watch out!!) and hmmmm hope to get my mugger spirit back...
Signing off..the failed mugger..=(
--Merci tout le monde--
6:04 PM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

NERVES before SYF!!!

'Eupho' Section!!

the *****ing band on stage...

damn...the other school which played the same song as us played it like stone without emotions sia...wth...never seen such a stone redition before....and they got gold...dotz...oh well at least I feel glad that syf is over...finally I can concentrate on other stuff...I've been feeling so deadened these past few weeks...intellectually and socially...sighzz....and to be provoked by a loser on top of that...sighzzz....finally ITS I can really start to enjoy Euphonium on my own pace, I'm gonna like bring it home and play it in my free time finally of my own free will!!! lol...dunno why but in the last few practices before syf I keep feeling damn sleepy...and the best thing is...I really SLEPT!! and I played everything almost overture no 2 is so ingrained into my brain that I could actually play the song without being awake section mates will attest to that lol...hahaz...the sleeping espeically haha...sighz..
tmr got chem test
friday got bio SPA
next thursday got GP AQ times assignment..
not to mention the econs test tmr as well...
sighzzzz sadded...tata~
--Merci tout le monde--
11:43 PM
few days before syf
Sunday, May 3, 2009
So TrueAHH omg SYF THIS COMING WEDNESDAY...getting jitters and all...these few day have been revolving around the same few*attempting to do some homework*...and keeping sane...BIO SPA...BAND BAND BAND BAND!!! omg....getting many new parts to all of you MJ band members reading my blog.... ~~|~~ lolz....seriously...apparently i've heard MJ didn't invite my sch band for fear of being outshone lol...instead inviting tons of the other school's which do not play machu picchu...Oh wells....its a song to smoke adjudicators....and they certainly smoked the audience....(by not having a competitor...) oh time we'll all know won't we whose the better band....I really hope it doesn't have to be that way but a competition brings out the worst in people...really...sadly, but true...hmm...recently chen asked me to join come community band...wonder if I should?? wonder if they would even take in noobs like me lolzz..whats the first thing i'm gonna get with army pay?? i wonder...should it be a euphonium??? now that I am starting to like it...Oh wells tata~~
--Merci tout le monde--
1:14 AM