Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The secret harp player in me lol



the great custard that jon had lol
AHHH these past few days are really killing me...the rush to actually complete the syllabus is just overwhelming...with each passing exam, a wonton load of new chapters get put into the fray and for us to ingest and regurgitate in the exams yet again...only that...this is it...practically almost the entire syllabus is being tested this time and there's no escaping that reality...hopefully I would be able to survive this onslaught without failing anything...still haven't started on econs yet *crosses fingers...* oh yea studying at the library has been some sort of socialising activity to know a few more ppl heh....through Xiao Wei..Carina n Zoey ...and also met this guy..Jun Liang who is quite interesting lol...haha hopefully he manages to do well for his impending 'o' Levels...
--Merci tout le monde--
11:21 PM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
great song!!
Mad World (HQ Studio Version) - Adam Lambert
--Merci tout le monde--
12:11 AM
lots of stuff
Friday, June 12, 2009
Woot!!! haha this week has been long but eventful...first of all...I would like to say:
Happy Birthday YT!!!!
Monday!! went to nlb to study...sadded...quite an unproductive session....slept like 3/4 the what's new...Went home and watched Elektra...hehehzz lol pretty lame show...
Wednesday...went to Sakuraya with Jon.....ate the delicously scrumptious delectable SALMON BELLY!!! Even though its raw and just owned all other sashimi I've ever had in my LIFE!! lol heheh...then bff called and went to his house to catch up wootz...say wan study study then ended up playing Red Alert 3 (which was quite disappointing...) and Left for Dead which was really hair raising!! lol...then we tried studying for the next two yea then AFTER the two hours...I tried out the alto sax in his house...I think I made the loudest squeak in history friend's ear was ringing for quite a while lol....then when I finally produced 'sounds other than squeaking' on the saxophone...I sounded like a barnhouse with braying and all lol...hehehe ;)
heee thats ittt!! upload photos next time ba :)
--Merci tout le monde--
10:46 PM
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Gary giving one of his faces lol..

choir session of machu picchu hehe

jek ann tuning his singing..

the best instrument!!

prepping for the first run through...


aaron and siti

Karen and half of the face of my SL hehehe :)

2nd run though

our lunch...



The REAL euphonium section ehhe

the neverending waiting time...

photo frenzy!!

priceless moment

hehehe me carring a tuba.....

me jm n judy

scandalous couple!!

T-bone section gambling den..

the 'Green' Room lol

the choir in the backdrop

gathering around after 2nd run through

Iffah never looked so serious in her life lolz


and the first place goes to

eupho section!!



me n jolene

daryl n me!!

GWH n me!!

the boss n me :)

the boss jm n me :)

1/2 and hour before concert!!


HENCE, the last of my band days are over..with a blast!! PANORAMA 2009 @ the Esplanade!!!!! wooooooooooot !!!! probably first and last time I am performing in the esplanade ever life ended on some note as well...kinda finalized something private sum up the whole 2 days @ the esplanade...
Tuesdaywent to school at 10 lol...went to T mart to get the tools to spend the day haha-poker cards...then we played dai dee until karen got like 15 losses lol...hahaha damn funny....then we went esplanade concert hall for practice...a while only la...arrange here arrange there and then presto lol....the euphonium part was super ez lol...i could even side read the score and play favourite part of the piece was at A though..with the choir and piano was magical!! lol!!
Wednesdaywoke up at words explained everything...sooo early...just to meet section for breakfast at T mart...we went to the food court there to eat lolzzz....then reported for band at 8 am...went to esplanade had 2 freaking long runthoughs of the entire concert which is 2.5 hours long haha...then later during the break...i had joel do a facebook quiz...and he got like 7%!!! lollll....he was giving the OMG face haha...priceless lol....
anyway today went for makeup econs haha...all the way at clementi....damn far sia...i knew practically no 1 in the class at all...lolz....Oh ya and...I saw my first crush hahaha :) primary sighzz...tata~
--Merci tout le monde--
8:18 PM