Sunday, August 23, 2009
lol my dad's last scolding was just laaaame....seriously...he freaking scolded me for interupting the tv show with some words...and he wondered why i gave him the 'whatever you say boss' look at just realised that i had only a week and a half to prelims...pretty short!!! omg now i'm panicking my ass off...
oh yea while on the bus yesterday...i saw this couple like making out at the back of the bus...hahaa...not a stomper so i'm not gonna go 'click' and YOUR ON STOMP muahaha lol...ok i mean like they were really gross...for the entirety of the journey(40 minutes!!)...they were doing it like i wasn't there at all...(i was like next to them)....ok times are getting weird....
ok getting really lazy to take pictures nowadays so my posts are more ranting than anything else...better than a dead blog anyhow :) tata~
-The Failed Mugger..
--Merci tout le monde--
10:01 PM
chem test
Friday, August 21, 2009
hmmm...i know there's really nthn much to blog about nowadays coz threre's really nthn much going on in my life lol...other than the occasional watching of movies...watching my weekly chem test was utterly screwed....omg upon 80 i dun expect anything more than din even study for this test....and considering how i did for math when i din study for it...yep....badly....sigh......
oh yea anyway....should see youtube's 'tortoise makes an orgasm face'
seriously one of the funniest video ever!!
andd not to mention the drumlets at the cafe galileo at bishan library!!omg omg omg damn damn damn damn damn nice!!!!! it immediately made my top ten list when i had first bite hehe...even the kfc drumlets i had later couldn't compare...sure enough its nice-the kfc ones...but its like ant vs goliath....completely no fight man....hehehe....hope to change the earplugs tmr!!
--Merci tout le monde--
12:15 AM
Thursday, August 20, 2009
ARGH...STUDYING has caused permanent brain damage to me liao....i'm kinda burnt out from this chionging...never studied so hard in my life lol...even for O levels...I kinda slacked completely
I wish that I would get some sort of reprieve soon from this nightmare of studying...
and SIGH SIGH SIGH for the new band exco...with bloody dumb new policy...stocktaking immediately AFTER they take over?!?!? WTF...then they force me to return the flute which I borrowed...I was actually getting better at it lorh....I can produce a solid tone le piano is collecting dust....along with my drum set...sigh............
and anyway....some ppl in my class are getting inexorably irritating to tolerate...Freaking irritating sia...the way she bitches about people...and they way she is so much worse than the people she bitches about...sigh...making it really much of an irony...
anyway....NS may or may not be after prom and i'm only praying that its after DEC i could at least go to my prom....actually kinda glad that the girls in my class aren't going prom...some of them anyway...tata~
--Merci tout le monde--
12:19 AM
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
What is wrong with me studies for bio have gone stagnant....pretty much standstill...i'm sooo gonna screw up tomorrow's bio test....and math test...
sigh...sad as i have someone take the next bus just cause i was on whatever!! go to such lengths to avoid me is kinda pushing it...oh well...anyway
this morning was really really sleepy...almost slept past my
anyway...feeling of the day, ''i hate people who secretly read the blog and then not say anything...and as well as to REMEMBER what was on my post for months to come...THAT is CREEEEPY...omg...'' well whoever I am referring to would know :)
gonna watch harry potter!! tata~
--Merci tout le monde--
11:56 PM
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

wooooot Finally found a way to post with pictures so this shall be a really 'picture'y post!! hahaha
lots lots has happened since i last posted and i really can't rmb so lol...just had prayer group dinner on saturday cafe bar...not as outstanding as what jon as usual...the way he described the pasta in mushroom sauce was like getting high on drugs obviously it wasn't that good lol...once again, as usual...anyway at the dinner...jon wanted to use my camera to take some pictures...and then this girl was like blocking her face and all...and then he ask why and she said: coz its your statement made me rethink my impression of her if I would covet secret images of her....wth... sum it allll up...I am REALLY GLAD to be able to post pictures again!! tata~
--Merci tout le monde--
11:51 PM