Monday, November 30, 2009
WOAH 2012 was a blast!!! haha seriously one of the best movies to date lol...from the superb graphics and the almost literally chair grabbing thrill of when the plane they were in not make it...lol...and the explosion of the yellowstone super volcano was just spectacular lol....cannot imagine the amount of money they spent on graphics lol...they had to render the entire of the whole of california breaking up and on top of that....arnold had a cameo in announcing some speech in the movie before he was killed in an earthquake lol....the ground literally came apart!! haha...techinically they din show arnold but with that unmistakable accent...who couldn't tell lol....
that concludes a year plus of studying in libraries and mugging my ass off....hahaha...
anyway...friend just sent me the answer to chem mcq...done by some teacher in rj....lol.....now i cant sleep coz i realised i lost a gazillion marks in the paper1 lol....omg...i pray it would be enough to get an A.....man....i was a nervous wreck in the paper itself man....stoned at the 4th qn and onwards...omg....i mean i cant believe i drew a single bond for NH=NH when they clearly showed a double bond....dammit....on top of that...forgot to add the first IE to make the total amount of energy to remove two electrons from Al and the transition metal...whats with that stupid trick man...now it all seems bloody easy but when it was back in the exam...i was freaking out lol....now i'm gonna get insomnia unless i get full marks for bio mcq or smth....omg omg omg omg...
--Merci tout le monde--
12:56 AM
Friday, November 27, 2009
--Merci tout le monde--
11:39 PM
7 days before Last papers
Thursday, November 26, 2009
O M G...already it is 7 days before the last paper and I am feeling damn sian sian sian sian already...not allowed to play com so here I am ranting away....blehzz....tys...prelim papers....finished already...what more to do lol....create my own castles in the air and tear them down?? hahaha i'm that sian....omg...
anyway...going sitex tmr...hopefully my dad would accede to buying a com lol...coz the current com just sucks too much lol...can't even load some web pages without lagging lol...
--Merci tout le monde--
11:06 PM
A levels
Friday, November 20, 2009
HAH THE ECONS PAPER IS OVERRRR FINALLY!!!! omg like at long last....but i wonder if i had done well at it....i tried my best, i have no regrets...(mayb a little..)
anyway...i found this pic of my dad a while back...back when his hair was not a sea of white lol...

Okzzzz haha that is weird...back in his glory days...anyway feeling rather lame these past few days from the studying marathon these past weeks...i'm getting really irritable with the insufficient amounts of studying yet here i am blogging yet again....
I can only imagine what 3rd December would yield....I imagine it to be something like the milo advertisement lol

Or mayb not...hahahaha...it is the end of senseless mugging... but it also heralds a new chapter of life...inclusive of NS and the uni (which i hope i at least get into...) sighzz.... hopefully i would at least get B's for my subjs....
--Merci tout le monde--
10:18 PM